Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Week of firsts

So this week has been a momumental week for both Kaden and Kolter as they get older. After months of teething, Kolter finally has his first tooth! His top tooth popped through this week and the second one is coming in soon!! It is unusual for it to be his top tooth and I am not sure if he is even aware that it is there. But nontheless he finally has a tooth, now he can start chewing his steaks. The sad thing that is even though his tooth broke through, he will still be teething for a couple more years.

Kaden's first was a shower!! He told me that he wanted to take a shower just like daddy does, so sure enough we put him in there and he enjoyed it. Which is suprising because he does not like water on his face at all. What I find ironic is that for the longest time I wanted him to take a shower because it was faster but now that him and Kolter take baths together, he has decided he wants a shower and the whole process has doubled in length again. Oh well I know this is a good step for him to take, as well as a daring one for him. Now onto getting a shower all by himself!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ashley,
    I "ain't got no" child psychology degree, but I "figure" that Kaden would rather deal with the water in the face scenario
    than take a bath with "baby brother". Thanks for the update. Love, Dad
